Life Skills

The purpose of Life Skills is to help you identify your nonproductive beliefs, and become aware of the power you have within yourself to change the circumstances of your life.


Skills for living



Thought is at the beginning of all creation. Change your thoughts and change your life.


Perception is how we understand our world based on our experiences filtered through our judgments.

Choice & Accountability

Means we choose how we feel about our experiences. We are always free to change our mind and choose again.

Cause & effect

Multiplies our choice into either a positive or negative experience.


Abundance & Gratitude

Gives us an abundance of whatever we believe we deserve. What we choose to feed will grow.

Health & Healing

Is the process of becoming and maintaining a state of wholeness.

Harmony & Rhythm

Is how it all works together in complete harmony. We are part of life, moving with the flow.

"I was talking with a VET friend who has gone through a long period of counseling and he has not resolved nearly as much as I have in your sessions. I feel good about myself and that is important. Thanks to you."

— GK

Skills for Living appear to be seven separate laws, yet they operate as one.

Our thoughts create, our perception of the thoughts and events give them reality, cause and effect recreates them and choice and accountability lets us change our thoughts, perceptions and actions at any time. Our choices result in either lack or abundance, and continuous “feeding” can affect our health on all levels. By consciously choosing the frequency of energy we align with, we can create discord and pain, or harmony and rhythm.

Everything you put out in life comes back to you multiplied. Increase your awareness, learn, change your perceptions, and quickly move to a new view of the events... thus changing your life. Emptying your mind of fears and problems and replacing them instead with memories of when you felt totally plugged in. We create whatever we set our mind to (intention). We are like a light bulb and spirit is the electricity that makes the light bulb work. Some light bulbs let in more of their source (higher wattage or vibration) and they have a brighter light.

Book a session with Claudia

Provide an environment for positive change by focusing on the endless possibilities our lives provide.

Call 575-751-4551

