The Immersion Sessions (the most powerful application of energy work) are designed for those who want to chunk their process into smaller bites, with time in between to realize their new perspectives.
Spend three to five days in Taos and change your life.
Do your personal work with Claudia Bianca, MRET who has more than 11,500 clinical hours logged in Energy Healing Techniques – her passionate presentation for this work will inspire you and fill you with hope while it empowers you to make it all happen.
Weekend, two, and three-day packages that include time for activities (your choice - you can hike, visit museums, art galleries, enjoy the hustle and bustle of downtown TAOS, or relax by counting the leaves on the sage and watch the sunsets - a MUST!). For your convenience, renting a car is suggested to travel to Casa Luz Del Alma (five miles from downtown plaza). Staying in one of the many Taos B&B's is a real gift to yourself.
“I cannot thank you enough for the Immersion experience. It was wonderful and an incredible experience. Thank you for giving your life to this mission, so that we might live our lives to their fullest potential. So many feelings of gratitude for you and so few words — thank you again.”
— PK
First Immersion
Designed to work with a person through their Inner Child Stages from pre-verbal issues around birth to the present moment, this program facilitates releasing emotional stress and patterning in the physical and spiritual DNA.
At the time of birth, you may have concluded that you were broken or defective in some way. You realized you could not communicate effectively, your body would not move the way you wished for it to move and you could not even take care of your basic needs. Over time negative emotions such as these may have been reinforced by your reaction to events around you (such as a parent's angry look, a doctor's comment during an exam, or a failing grade on a difficult school subject).
You may have developed patterns of behavior to survive what you perceived to be a dangerous or hostile world. You can release emotional stress around these kinds of issue, and identify your sponsoring beliefs that continue to form the uncomfortable patterns in your life.
A pattern is simply the way you have dealt with situations in order to survive. Some patterns have served you well (you can tie your shoes and brush your teeth). You have the opportunity to deal with the patterns that are uncomfortable or not working well for you.
With the emotional stresses released and some new ways of looking at life, you can then consciously create more positive patterns. You can have everything you choose from life.
This First Immersion is an excellent program for someone wanting to go deeper in their personal journey and as a prerequisite for the Chakra Clearing program.
Second Immersion
This Chakra Program will clear patterns and blocks within your body and auric field that keep you from functioning as one complete unit and creating what you would rather experience. Our human system is created with an auric level and 12 chakras that regulate, maintain and manage our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of being on the physical plane.
The chakra, which means "wheel of light" is a wheel of light that ideally is revolving and vibrating at a rate that allows light and energy to come into the body from Source. The chakra centers also connect and flow from one human to another, in other words, it is a part of the grid-work that connects us all as one. Once you have processed your inner child stages and worked on your issues the next step is processing your whole system and aligning your spiritual essence into your body and the Earth. You will receive a complete description of each chakra and auric level and the ages during which they are developed at the beginning of each chakra session. This information will guide you as to the function and purpose of each chakra.
We work with the twelve chakras in the body and auric levels, each with their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual function and purpose individually as well as working together as a whole unit. Experience the freedom, clarity and increased energy within this dramatic program.
Chakra program immersion includes 12 Chakra clearings, and immersion in Life Skills as you do your work at beautiful Casa Luz Del Alma... please allow 3-5 days for this program. Pre-requisite - you must have completed your Inner Child stages (FIRST IMMERSION PROGRAM).
Suggested reading:
Rapid Eye Technology by Dr. Ranae Johnson
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton
Book a session with Claudia
Contact Claudia for current package pricing. Immersions are offered in:
Call 575-770-7766
Two day package
Two days
Six sessions
Weekend package
Two days
Eight sessions
Three day package
Three days
Ten sessions