Rapid Eye Therapy
Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is a safe, natural way to release stress and trauma leaving us empowered to live a happier, more productive life. Using blinking, breathing, and eye movement techniques RET gently mimics a condition of sleep (rem) that is our body’s natural discharge mechanism.
Accessing the whole mind/body system while in an awake state allows you to be in control of your own journey without reliving incidents.
RET uses the natural blinking reflex to open up neuropathways where memories of our experiences are trapped. For instance, being trapped in the birth canal, trapped in a car accident, or trapped in a relationship are all on the same neuropathway. Rapid Eye provides an opportunity to blink it out and move to a new perspective by reframing life events.
This two-part process guides you to identify and release trapped energy patterns, and understand new skills that will facilitate the creation of more productive patterns. With your discovery of new skills, ideas and experiences, you are less likely to repeat the “do what you’ve always done, get what you’ve always gotten” pattern of stuck in your life. You will create a new life reality for yourself. When you identify nonproductive beliefs, you become aware of the power you have to change your life circumstances.
“Contacting Claudia and beginning RET with her is one of the most defining experiences in my life. I was able to resolve personal issues that had impacted my life for 30 years. Claudia uses her intellect, training, intuition and experience to provide us the opportunity for personal growth and healing.”
— JF, OR
Book a session with Claudia
What do you want to achieve – and what keeps you from it? RET can assist you in releasing old patterns that keep you from self-awareness and accomplishing your goals.
Call 575-770-7766
Online Sessions
This is a wonderful modality for clients when they are unable to come to the office. Clear the energy in the privacy of your own home using Zoom, or WhatsApp. The release is real - a very effective tool.
Call to schedule an appointment time.
Private one-on-one Sessions
Sessions for clients who wish to do their work one session at a time (suggested minimum package of six sessions).
Call or email for more information
Immersion Packages
For those interested in deep, profound change quickly. Come to Taos and spend time doing deep work with back-to-back sessions.
Call or email for more information